Nikolay Ilyin
Nikolay Ilyin
Prepare a jupyter notebook with scripts to be able to analyze path traversal events grouped by trips
To authorize: login: [login], password: [pin code]+[one-time password] Both login and pin code are set during initial user setup, one-time passwords are generated each time with an application for that,...
It should be able to store secrets - we need to check if it will be convenient to use the AWS secret manager to store sensitive information related to simulations...
Currently we have transit vehicles scaling based on vehicleCategory set in vehicles types file and 'beam.agentsim.tuning.transitCapacity' set in beam config. If we want to use a bus as a RH...
This change is [](
Currently BEAM is run by using shell scripts which are different for Google cloud, Amazon cloud and for both clusters. If we use for this beam-environment image then the shell...
We have a minimum set of files required to run beam - a scenario which is good to be used as a template for new city scenarios. It is located...
We need to be able to specify a script to be run after a simulation (on aws/google cloud): 1. add 'end_script' parameter to gradle deploy command in order to send...
for debugging only This change is [](
We need to reduce the total number of notifications or make them less annoying (reduce the amount of '@ here' tags) and improve some of them. 1. Add current month...