Nikhil Banerjee
Nikhil Banerjee
Didn't work for me on iTerm with p10k and oh my zsh. `echotc Co` is giving me 256. My config has ``` TERM=xterm-256color zle_highlight+=(paste:none) ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE="fg=241,bold,underline" ``` It works when I...
Unfortunately not, I just checked any and all zsh config I could find if `FORCE_FLOAT` is set anywhere and also checked `setopt` after sourcing `~/.zshrc` and it's not set. Similarly,...
+1 to this, lack of releases means this doesn't play nice with Go modules. Defaults instead to the outdated `3.9.0` tag from April 2018, unless you explicitly replace it with...