Vadim Nifadev
Vadim Nifadev
Hey @frontdevops, are you planning to finish the translation? I'd love to help and make this super useful Python gotchas available for russian speaking devs. Or I can finish what...
Thanks @satwikkansal , I'll start next week. Based on [license](, I'm allowed to use @frontdevops 's translations as a reference.
Awesome, then I can review your translation, if you'd like
Hey @frontdevops , any progress on pushing commits with new translations? Do you need help with reviewing?
Awesome, then I will start reviewing this week. What's the most suitable way: use this PR or leave comments in your fork?
Hey @satwikkansal , As discussed by email, I'm starting the translation based on existing [one]( What do you think about such workflow: - Store translations in main repository (not in...
Awesome, thanks @satwikkansal
Hey @eartqk , if you're still interested in translation, please review my PR. It will definitely improve translation quality
Hey @AdamPS , shall this issue be converted in Github Discussion?
Possibly related to #213