Nícolas Pinto
Nícolas Pinto
I have the same issue with version 5.7.3 and it is also solved by using `cap reghdfe` at the top of the file.
There are dictionaries only for datasets that are in the fixed width file format ( so the dictionaries are actually needed to import the dataset). RAIS files are simple comma...
First draft at: https://github.com/lucasmation/microdadosBrasil/blob/master/vignettes/Contribution%20manual.Rmd @lucasmation Please, look at that when you have time
Currently, comma separated numbers are readed as characters, as this example from RAIS: ``` > str(rais) Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame': 1832669 obs. of 45 variables: $ Bairros SP : logi...
@tomasbarcellos É uma excelente ideia, também começamos algo nesse sentido: - https://github.com/lucasmation/microdadosBrasil/blob/master/vignettes/test_report_download.md - https://github.com/lucasmation/microdadosBrasil/blob/master/vignettes/test_report_import_sample.md Os dois documentos são atualizados automaticamente pelos resultados de testes gerados pelas funções `update_test_import_sample` e `update_test_download`...
@lucasmation The end result is the same. For one particular file the dictionary is splitted in hundreds of dictionaries because of one big discontinuity, and calling read_fwf hundreds of times...
In the current implementation the variables are not reordered, will work on that.
@steveofconnell i just implemented your suggestion in #69 and i think it worked, I left running overnight and the download was complete. Please, let me know if it works for...
@lucasmation Updated the download links, The dictionaries are in .docx documents and will need some manual work to be translated.