Nick Walker

Results 16 issues of Nick Walker

In our use case, we'll create a lot of library states which are stand alone `ExecutionState`s tied to our robot's capabilities. As it stands, we'd have a folder structure like...

### System Info * Operating System: ubuntu 14.04.5 * Python Version: 2.7.6 * Version of catkin_tools: 0.4.4 * ROS Distro: indigo ### Build / Run Issue * [X] Works with...

**Steps** With up to date versions of fetch_ros and fetch_gazebo roslaunch fetch_gazebo playground.launch And roslaunch fetch_gazeo_demo fetch_nav.launch **Behavior** When given a nav goal, the robot's localization drifts quickly (seems like...

help wanted
More Info Needed

Encoding luminance is easy, but really need to encode boundaries to give a good effect. May need a dependency, or perhaps it'll be simple enough to do at low resolutions.


Makes it easier to pipe results from xacro, and matches urdfdom_py's behavior Switch an fstream to an ifstream for clarity Closes #170

Like `urdfdom_py`'s `display_urdf` script, check_urdf should accept `-` as an argument to indicate that it should read the URDF from std_in. This makes piping input directly from xacro more natural....

I need to write some code that uses std::transform, like this: ```` std::transform(rows.begin(), rows.end(), std::back_inserter(concepts), [this](const mysqlx::Row & row) { return Concept(row[0], *this); }); ```` This will generate `} should...

Some letter pairs need custom kerning. See WA, PA, TA.