Nick Lockwood

Results 216 comments of Nick Lockwood

This is what it looks like for me when installed:

@Dragonspell99 I have encountered a few bugs around this previously to do with the table cell not sharing the scope of the containing Layout. I thought I'd fixed them all,...

@sebastienwindal @matape can you provide a larger code sample? I'm having trouble reproducing the problem.

@chh51 that sounds amazing! I'll take a look, thanks!

@ayrtonsoftware you can disable the layout error console using `LayoutConsole.isEnabled = false`, or hide it programmatically using `LayoutConsole.hide()`.

@ayrtonsoftware the error parameter only catches errors that occur during loading. To catch other errors you will need to implement the `func layoutError(_ error: LayoutError)` delegate method in your Layout...

@vegidio calling `loadLayout(named: "...")` loads the contents of that xml file as a subview of the view that called it. The root node in your `MyCustomCell.xml` file is a `UICollectionViewCell`,...

@Dragonspell99 it looks like a bug - I'll investigate. In the meantime, it works if you use `min(auto, 100%)`, so you can get the same effect by wrapping the label...

@Dragonspell99 as far as I can see, there's no way to do this with the current release. I've pushed a fix to the [develop branch]( that should make it work...