Nick Lockwood

Results 216 comments of Nick Lockwood

The `setImageFailed:` method is not declared anywhere in the AsyncImageView library. My guess is that either: 1) You have implemented your own handler for the `AsyncImageLoadDidFail` NSNotification, and in the...

@harishios I see a `setImage:` method and an `imageFailed:` method, but not `setImageFailed:`

Just set your default image before you set your real imageURL.

You need to set the image url to nil before setting the new url, because otherwise the recycled cell may still be loading an image from the previous time it...

You seem to be setting cell.appIcon.imageURL twice for each cell - is that deliberate? In any case, try calling this before setting the URL: ``` [[AsyncImageLoader sharedLoader] cancelLoadingImagesForTarget:cell.appIcon]; ```

It's because AsyncImageView stores the decompressed images in memory, not the original compressed ones. Decompressed images consume width_height_4 bytes of RAM, so they're much larger than the original file size,...

This shouldn't be possible unless you have accidentally added two copies of your logo view to the window. How are you creating and adding the logo view?

Is it possible you are loading the nib twice or something? As I said, I don't see how a UIImageView can contain two separate images, so it seems likely that...

AsyncImageView doesn't currently implement disk caching, so the cache won't survive an app restart.

Are you still seeing this in 5.1?