Junghyun Lee (Nick)
Junghyun Lee (Nick)
## Short News - 허준이수학난제연구소 개소! - 신진우 교수님이 '인공지능의 역사와 수학'이라는 주제로 강의하심 - https://zdnet.co.kr/view/?no=20230717180658 - AI theory에도 많은많은 관심을... - 국제올림피아드 쾌거! 다들 너무너무 수고하셨습니다~~ - 국제수학올림피아드(IMO): 국가...
## [Large Language Model for Science: A Study on P vs. NP](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.05689.pdf) - TL;DR. **socratic reasoning** - https://x.com/_akhaliq/status/1701763296460697805?s=20 물론, "증명"은 틀린거 같습니다: https://x.com/thegautamkamath/status/1703070665891315957?s=20 ## [Bayesian Flow Network](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.07037.pdf) ~~정정정말 어렵네요~~ ~~어지러운...
For my small comment: [Efficient fair PCA for fair representation learning](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.13319.pdf) (AISTATS 2023) - from Amazon AWS - efficient ver of fair PCA - (see Fig 5) cf: - Null...
For next time: [Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4](https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.12712) (Microsoft Research) 교훈: latex에서 comment를 뺍시다! https://twitter.com/dv2559106965076/status/1638769434763608064?s=46&t=llKohaNYR1IR_yaWlq40TA “Given the breadth and depth of GPT-4's capabilities, we believe that...
## Stanford AI Index Report - Chapter 3 unsurprising results, yet still surprising when we look at the numbers. ### 3.1 Meta-analysis of Fairness and Bias *Metrics* - metric 및...
## News (AI) - ALT 2023 Accepted Papers: http://algorithmiclearningtheory.org/alt2023/accepted-papers/ ## News (Math) - [A non-constructive proof of the Four Colour Theorem](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2212.09835.pdf) (Jackson & Richmond, arXiv 2022) - 현재 증명: computer-assisted...
## Upcoming/Finished deadlines **AAAI 2024**: submission 다들 수고하셨습니다! (현재 phase 1 reviewing 진행중) **ICLR 2024**: abstract due 09/22 9PM (KST) ~~추석은 저기 어딘가로,,~~ **AISTATS 2024**: abstract due 10/07 9PM (KST)...
### Technical notes on "Bayesian Flow Networks" by Dr. Sam Power (Univ of Bristol) https://twitter.com/sp_monte_carlo/status/1694704443814457536?s=20
## News - AAAI 2023 (Washington DC, USA) 되신분들 잘 다녀오세요...! - AISTATS 2023 (Valencia, Spain!) 되신 분들은 모두 축하드립니다! - ICLR 2023 (Kigali, Rwanda!) 되신 분들도 축하드립니다! - ICLR...
## 알쓸신뉴스.. - C. R. Rao (1920-) awarded *international statistics prize* - 살아계신 레전드중 레전드중 레전드 - Cramer-Rao bound, Rao-Blackwell theorem, information geometry, asymptotic statistics....etc (DL < ML < Stat...