Nguoi An Phu

Results 9 comments of Nguoi An Phu

Hello @thenaim , Thank you so much for a great app. 👍 Could you please tell me how to run it and log in? I can build and run it...

Thanks @thenaim, got it. I'm able to build & run it on web. I also can build it on Github action & generate APKs to Release. However, the app seems...

Yes, I've compiled it in production mode. Please check my Github action. BTW, I'm learning React & Ionic so I'm not interested in Angular. :)

@thenaim , just see you added actions to deploy the web version automatically. It's great 👍 ! But it looks like we deploy the web version from main branch, instead...

Oh, I was wrong -_-. Never mind, sorry.

@thenaim , exactly what I want to do. Please refer this, I like it and plan to apply:

@thenaim , can you register this repo to Then we can have badge for it. If it's ok, I will open a PR for this [commit](

We have to change NewsAPI key (get at in the ```lib/secret.dart```.

Hi @oleg-nenashev Can you take a look if I need to update anything else, plz? I can't resolve the build error on :(