N. G. Scheurich
N. G. Scheurich
@kangarooo The `tmux.conf` file belongs in your home directory, i.e., the same one that contains your `.tmux` directory.
@iamtodor If you don’t have a `.tmux.conf` file in your home directory, you should create it and use it to hold any tmux-related configuration.
@iamtodor You can also use the `-f` option when you launch tmux to specify an alternate location for your config file. From the [manual](http://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-current/man1/tmux.1): >**- f** *file*: Specify an alternative...
Forgot to mention: As the `join fn _topic, _payload, socket -> ...` syntax is already supported, I'd just be looking to add the `join _topic, ModuleName` form.
Sounds great, @doorgan. Thanks for the pointers. I'll submit a PR and we can go from there!
@doorgan I've done a bit of work on this but am unsure how to proceed. I'm stuck on getting Spark to allow pattern matching on a `Spark.Dsl.Entity` `arg`. For instance,...
Ah, great! Thanks for the pointer, @doorgan.