Nicholas Ng
Nicholas Ng
Similar crash when mri_rippleInAdapter is true, it happens sometimes in HTC One_M8 `````` Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.Object.equals(java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference at android.widget.AdapterView.getPositionForView(
@tomoyuki28jp you should be using the following as of cocoapod 1.0, cheers `pod 'FontAwesomeKit/FontAwesome', :git => ''`
if put in viewDidAppear..... this will make `[self.scrollView triggerPullToRefresh]` useless, if you want to trigger immediately after `addPullToRefreshWithActionHandler`
@worker8 I'm using 1.0.16-SNAPSHOT and also get the same problem....I simply followed the guide to setup. i'm using TourGuide inside setup code is simply: ``` java mTourGuideHandler = TourGuide.init(getActivity()).with(TourGuide.Technique.Click)...