Results 19 comments of Nathan Fisher

Could see using OpenCensus for this which provides prometheus end-points. Orthogonal to this issue but It also provides an abstraction for a number of distributed tracing systems: Stackdriver, zipkin, and...

Not sure about the tests but I ran into the same issue and applied what @finnan444 mentioned prior to seeing this issue. It resolves the issue with bad connections. Came...

Ok thanks for that. I’m hoping to have a minimal test case soon. I’m currently shifting from sub-module level BUILD files to more granular packages. Unfortunately not straightforward as I...

Thanks @iirina I've been looking through the `tools/jdk` Bazel files but not sure if that's the right place to look for examples. Ideally I want to support multi-platform (e.g. linux...

@dhui what're your thoughts on just adding @avelino and @dcormier as admins? Worst case they do nothing... best case they help a little. :)

From a security perspective I think it would be good to include [Subresource Integrity/SRI]( in the tags. An example of the risk that SRI helps prevent is JS crypto-miners among...

@aslakhellesoy I've stalled development as I wanted to get some input on the open PR. Namely I implemented the `fmt.Stringer` interface on the AST types as it is the quickest...

@cpretzer think it also needs to be synced with the docs sometimes the docs reference `world` and the name is `world-v1` as an example.

I'll submit a `servicemesh-rbac.yml` so there's a fully functioning RBAC example. Currently the only example is copy and paste from this blog post with only the service account/role binding, etc...

Would it make sense to implement this as a more generic .leepsignore file similar to .gitignore?