Results 19 comments of Nathan Fisher

@honzajavorek disagree with validations beyond what's required for serialisation (e.g. type). In my opinion this would bloat the specification, increase the complexity of support tooling, and spread validation across multiple...

Hey @zdne, My suggestion is a tangential concern to the primary audience of the APIB standard as it selfishly benefits me. :) I can make what you suggest work and...

If it's available via the stdlib then that works for me. I would opt for all the types in that lib as there's benefits and trade offs to each in...

@zdne feel like maybe I should open a new issue so as not to pollute this one any further?

@shs96c think you have a typo in the env var missing an R, coursier vs cousier. Side question does this invalidate how the DAG is calculated and invalidate remote caches...

I think the main benefit of using the BOM is so that you could be explicit about the BOM version and implicit about the version for the direct dependencies inheriting...

I'm running the latest version of GraphiQL. I've noticed if you comment your fields it will provide that in the description which is kind of nice. An example is as...

Try this, it worked for me: You'll need to ensure you name your workspace. To do that put `workspace(name="UNIQUE_NAME_HERE")` at the top of your projects `WORKSPACE` file.

This is a duplicate of this issue AFAICT Try this, it worked for me: You'll need to ensure you name your workspace. To do that put `workspace(name="UNIQUE_NAME_HERE")` at...