Neil Ferguson

Results 8 comments of Neil Ferguson

When I try the instructions at I get "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: no known implementation of interface jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildStep is named ViolationsPublisher". It seems that the violations plugin does not support being a...

@car2008 -- thanks for the pull request. One thing -- when I look at what's changed in Github, it looks like every line has changed (even though they haven't). Is...

Hi I haven't tried sparkling-shell. It should be easy to get the program running though. Did you try running the following? ``` YOUR_SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --class "com.neilferguson.PopStrat" --master local[6] --driver-memory 6G target/uber-popstrat-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar...

That's weird - I haven't seen that error before. Have you tried using the VCF file directly instead of converting to ADAM first? The only thing that occurs to be...

Also, in answer to your question, I'm pretty sure I just used the vcf2adam command to transform the VCF file to ADAM, without any special options. I've just realised that...

My guess is that is an incompatibilty with the latest Spark version. You could try an old Spark version (I've only tested with 1.2.0), or if you want to wait...

@ahopkins Thanks very much for your advice. Your solution does indeed solve the problem. I'm still a bit unclear as to why this works though. My understanding is that my...

Thanks @ahopkins. This behaviour was not intuitive for me at least, so perhaps it should be documented, as you say. I guess another aspect I found confusing is that this...