I can confirm this issue. In my dual screen setup I have to disable my second screen to play portal 2. Else fullscreen resolution in video settings is wrong and...
> I can confirm this issue. In my dual screen setup I have to disable my second screen to play portal 2. > Else fullscreen resolution in video settings is...
Hi, > How exactly user gets to choose the static version of the library w/o manually hard-coding the path to it? In ¹ we can read \: > Unfortunately, at...
> > LIBHIDAPI_LIBS="-l:libhidapi-libusb.a" > > I'd say this is practically a "manually hard-coding the path" (library name). Yes, but it is always possible to generate with cmake an additional *.pc...
> > pkg-config --libs hidapi-libusb-static --static > > Technically that is an entirely different library, which happens to have (almost) the same name. To be entirely complete on this subject,...
Hi here, Just to say that since several weeks I'm getting a segfault in dmesg each time a game is exiting (see the link above). Everything else is working fine,...
> I don't own a controller Neither do I, but if I ever bought one, I know that I would like this software in your overlay. Thanks for the ebuild...