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Building both static and shared libraries at the same time

Open MaesterZ opened this issue 2 years ago • 16 comments

Nomadic Labs is using libusb and hidapi for the Octez project at https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos written in Ocaml.

Is there a clean way to compile and install both static and shared libraries at the same time?

@pietro submitted an MR to Alpine aports to have both static and shared libraries for package libusb-dev and is now available in Alpine 3.15+:


We did the same for package hidapi-dev but the switch to cmake removed the static libraries from Alpine 3.15 starting with 0.11.0:

https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/merge_requests/23615 https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/blob/master/community/hidapi/APKBUILD

At the moment we have no other solutions than building from source or use a custom Alpine package. We copied the current GitHub workflow for Ubuntu and run the configure/build/install twice:


# Shared libraries
cmake --build build/shared
cmake --install build/shared
# Static libraries
cmake --build build/static
cmake --install build/static

I have no experience with cmake, my concern is that we overwrite the following files instlalling twice:


Note: Alpine aports MR https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/merge_requests/35251

MaesterZ avatar Jun 10 '22 08:06 MaesterZ

The way you're building it right now is the cleanest possible with CMake at the moment.

The only implication of the overwriting CMake files is that when a CMake user would try to use HIDAPI with find_package(hidapi) it will only find target(s) (static or shared) that where installed the last.

In your example, CMake's find_package will find only targets for static HIDAPI.

This may be somethign that could be improved on HIDAPI side, but I need to understad one thing:

When a library is built and installed in the system, and there is both static and shared variants of the library + .pc pkg-config file(s).

Normally, if the user needs to use the library, the common approach is to use pkg-config, e.g.: add to link flags: pkg-config --libs zlib and usually that would be something like: -L/opt/local/lib -lz which will link to a shared version of the library. Having: pkg-config --libs zlib --static would give the same -L/opt/local/lib -lz and will link against shared library anyway, even though static version is installed and available too.

How exactly user gets to choose the static version of the library w/o manually hard-coding the path to it?

Youw avatar Jun 10 '22 09:06 Youw


BTW: I recommend installing static version first, and then shared, so by default your CMake users would use a shared version of the library - to be consistent with pkgconfig users in general.

Youw avatar Jun 10 '22 09:06 Youw


How exactly user gets to choose the static version of the library w/o manually hard-coding the path to it?

In ¹ we can read :

Unfortunately, at least as of February 2013, there is no easy way to tell at once to an Autotools-based build system that you intend to link statically; this means that the most common way to signal this to pkg-config becomes the command ./configure LDFLAGS="-static" PKG_CONFIG="pkg-config --static".

However, if you want to link to a specific library statically (and others dynamically), you can use an option for the linker for that specific library :

PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBHIDAPI], [hidapi-libusb >= 0.10.0]) LIBHIDAPI_LIBS="-l:libhidapi-libusb.a"

See the following option in ² (but the documentation seems not very clear to me) :

-l namespec --library=namespec

Tested here and it seems to work fine.

  1. https://autotools.info/pkgconfig/dependencies.html#pkgconfig.static-link
  2. https://sourceware.org/binutils/docs/ld/Options.html

netfab avatar Jun 14 '22 15:06 netfab

This may be somethign that could be improved on HIDAPI side

My analysis:


I'd say this is practically a "manually hard-coding the path" (library name).

LDFLAGS="-static" PKG_CONFIG="pkg-config --static"

CMake doesn't have any similar machanism(s), so I don't think it worth making anything HIDAPI-specific in this matter on CMake level.

Basically, for now I'd say what is done at https://gitlab.com/nomadic-labs/hidapi-apk/-/blob/main/APKBUILD#L37 is fine (and can be used as a reference for others who need a similar thing). https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/blob/master/community/hidapi/APKBUILD - uses the alternative approach, which technically is fine as well. Both ways would give the same result.

The only true alternative, is to do something that, for instance, libjpeg-turbo does (here and here), but that would complicate CMake scripts for HIDAPI a lot, has complicated corner-cases (e.g. the Framework libraries on macOS), and I'm not sure it is really required.

Youw avatar Jun 14 '22 21:06 Youw


I'd say this is practically a "manually hard-coding the path" (library name).

Yes, but it is always possible to generate with cmake an additional *.pc file to link to the static archive. In pc/hidapi-libusb-static.pc.in :

Libs: -L${libdir}                                                                                      
Libs.private: -L${libdir} -l:lib@[email protected]

And in cmake files :

index e5d7d51..d073545 100644
--- a/libusb/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libusb/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -65,3 +65,4 @@ if(HIDAPI_INSTALL_TARGETS)
+hidapi_configure_pc("${PROJECT_ROOT}/pc/hidapi-libusb-static.pc.in" "hidapi-libusb")
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 504b205..c8b0d4b 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ function(hidapi_configure_pc PC_IN_FILE)
     set(prefix "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}")
     set(exec_prefix "\${prefix}")
+    foreach(arg IN LISTS ARGN)
+        set(OUTPUT_NAME "${arg}")
+    endforeach()
         set(libdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}")

Once all this stuff built and installed, the user may chose between static or dynamic linking by choosing a different *pc file :

$ pkg-config --libs hidapi-libusb -lhidapi-libusb $ pkg-config --libs hidapi-libusb-static --static -l:libhidapi-libusb.a

I was just answering the question how a user can choose to link to the static library when static and dynamic are both installed. I do not know cmake more than that.

netfab avatar Jun 15 '22 09:06 netfab

pkg-config --libs hidapi-libusb-static --static

Technically that is an entirely different library, which happens to have (almost) the same name. But thanks for suggestion.

I was just answering the question how a user can choose to link to the static library when static and dynamic are both installed. I do not know cmake more than that.

I guess the complete answer I was looking for:

  • to link all autotools dependencies statically: LDFLAGS="-static" PKG_CONFIG="pkg-config --static"
  • to link a specific library statically - almost certainly need to hard-code a static library name

Youw avatar Jun 15 '22 10:06 Youw

pkg-config --libs hidapi-libusb-static --static

Technically that is an entirely different library, which happens to have (almost) the same name.

To be entirely complete on this subject, the additional pc file can be installed in a non-standard directory :

$ pwd

$ ls

$ pkg-config --libs hidapi-libusb

$ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/usr/local/share/pkgconfig pkg-config --libs hidapi-libusb --static

$ pkg-config --list-all | grep hidapi-libusb
hidapi-libusb                  hidapi-libusb - C Library for USB HID device access from
                                      Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and Windows.
                                      This is the libusb implementation.

$ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/usr/local/share/pkgconfig pkg-config --list-all
hidapi-libusb                  hidapi-libusb - C Library for USB HID device access from
                                      Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and Windows.
                                      This is the libusb implementation, static version
                                      (you must use the pkg-config --static option).

But, yes, it seems that there is no other way.

netfab avatar Jun 17 '22 08:06 netfab

Interesting there are similar discussions here -- looks like a common CMake question.

  • https://github.com/avrdudes/avrdude/issues/952

My comment here:

  • https://github.com/libusb/libusb/pull/1134#issuecomment-1119262956

For the library developers (like libusb project), this is required if the developers need to release the binaries. But I do not think this is an issue for CMake. libftdi project is using CMake and it provides both shared and static libraries in single build. http://developer.intra2net.com/git/?p=libftdi

mcuee avatar Aug 16 '22 13:08 mcuee

For example, if I only build the default dynamic link version, then I will get wrong static link option using pkg-config.

mcuee@UbuntuSwift3:~/build$ pkg-config --libs hidapi-libusb --static
-L/usr/local/lib -lhidapi-libusb

mcuee avatar Aug 16 '22 13:08 mcuee

So far I haven't seen a single pkg-config package, that would provide link options to link against static version of the library, when pass --static paramater to pkg-config.

Youw avatar Aug 16 '22 14:08 Youw

a common CMake question

A common question of those who started using CMake after Autotools. Context/bias is important.

Youw avatar Aug 16 '22 14:08 Youw

So far I haven't seen a single pkg-config package, that would provide link options to link against static version of the library, when pass --static paramater to pkg-config.

I can see libusb-1.0 (autools) and libftdi-1.0 (CMake) try to differentiate between dynamic linking and static linking.

mcuee@UbuntuSwift3:~/build/hidapi/build$ pkg-config --libs libusb-1.0
-L/usr/local/lib -lusb-1.0
mcuee@UbuntuSwift3:~/build/hidapi/build$ pkg-config --static --libs libusb-1.0
-L/usr/local/lib -lusb-1.0 -ludev -latomic -lpthread
mcuee@UbuntuSwift3:~/build/hidapi/build$ pkg-config --libs libftdi1
-L/usr/local/lib -lftdi1 -lusb-1.0
mcuee@UbuntuSwift3:~/build/hidapi/build$ pkg-config --libs libftdi1 --static
-L/usr/local/lib -lftdi1 -lusb-1.0 -ludev -latomic -lpthread

mcuee avatar Aug 16 '22 14:08 mcuee

mcuee@UbuntuSwift3:~/build/hidapi/build$ pkg-config --static --libs libusb-1.0 -L/usr/local/lib -lusb-1.0 -ludev -latomic -lpthread

True, but pass those to the linker of you own library/application - you're still going to be linked against shared/.so version of libusb, right?

Youw avatar Aug 16 '22 14:08 Youw

@Youw Yes I agree they are not correct either -- use use libusb-1.0.a instead. I remember macOS is correct. I will check again.

mcuee avatar Aug 16 '22 14:08 mcuee


avrdude-libhidapi is basically repackged hidapi (old version) adapted to MSVC static build. For MSVC, it makes sense to use static build. Is it possible to modify hidapi so that there is no need for avrdude to use a fork version of hidapi?

I tend to see that avrdude has legitimate reasons to use avrdude-libwinusb (at least when libusb-1.0.23/1.0.24 are broken under Windows for libusb0.sys) and avrdude-libftdi (to use FTDI vendor driver) for MSVC build (Static linking) but no good reasons to use a fork version of hidapi for MSVC build.

Ref: https://github.com/avrdudes/libhidapi/commit/e3700e951f762ef92871ff4fc94586e4d1c042a6

mcuee avatar Aug 16 '22 14:08 mcuee

🤯 Agree, there is absolutely no reasons for that.

Youw avatar Aug 16 '22 14:08 Youw

It seems to me that we are not going to fix this one. Maybe this can be closed.

mcuee avatar Nov 06 '22 12:11 mcuee

let me make a readme section as a summary of this one, and then we can close it

Youw avatar Nov 06 '22 12:11 Youw

Thanks for the documentation and the help overall 🙏🏻

MaesterZ avatar Mar 13 '23 11:03 MaesterZ