In which pages should we have a search bar in the header? In which pages, part from homepage) we need a search bar which is not in the header but...
After a search, search results could be filtered by country, city and language. Change those filters so they would be take less space in the page and the use can...
Changes to be done: * When clicking on the search button, when no search results to come (for example - with no search term or a gibberish word) in addition...
A nice feature to have, we still need to discuss how to implement it.
Add tests for the new attributes from issue #999: picture copyright personal note service willing to travel nonprofit which kind of tests should be added??
1. in mobile the bootstrap green checks - `'fa-check-square'` - are not visible . 2. When a speaker doesn't have any of the fields that are shown in the tooltip...
Some speakers don't have the city, website or twitter in the EN version, and I think maybe it's not on purpose. Suggestions: - Profile edit: add tooltip to translated info...
The relaunch is a great success, the website looks amazing! :tada: After browsing around, I have found a few details I would like to discuss. Feel free to add your...
As a user looking for a speaker I want pick a city and a language from a selection when filtering speakers. As a user looking for a speaker I want...