Raymond Julin

Results 30 comments of Raymond Julin

Absolutely. Can you provide a suggestion as a pull request?

Most likely related to browser cache. If not, errors from the browser error log would be helpful

Thanks for the report. This is a known issue. The responsiveness of the card could have been better across all grid permutations and screen sizes. I guess the problem is...

Cool. The TS code rendering the setpoints are here: https://github.com/nervetattoo/simple-thermostat/blob/next/src/main.ts#L354-L387 The most relevant CSS starts around here: https://github.com/nervetattoo/simple-thermostat/blob/next/src/styles.css#L113 It renders N setpoints, not hot/cold specifically.

You must look at the next branch as master will soon be out of date

The responsiveness of these controls is a pain point I'm well aware of, I just never found the motivation to dig into it. I would it if someone else wanted...

Shouldn't be too bad to support custom icon choices for the buttons in both modes. I might look into it the next time I set aside an hour to work...

When I check back a couple of hours later I see this status: It has been trying to reschedule and balance the cluster but it completely fails at re-instating the...

I'm hoping to find time to look into this next week.

I'd suggest a wrapper to intercept exceptions. It would have more usages and not increase the API surface. Naming can lean on `std::assert(input, options)`: Function name could be any of...