Raymond Julin

Results 30 comments of Raymond Julin

I've tried to trigger this issue in the `marionette-compliance` branch, but for me it seems to work. Could you provide some code making it break?

Can you provide a minimal example to reproduce the error?

Thanks for the PR @jfyne, I've been too busy to have a look at this and getting it merged. I would love it if it was possible to write a...

Using the low level event binding methods isn't ideal imo, and I'd also prefer that this was solved by detection before attaching events, not this removing after event happened and...

Proper support for the lock domain with lock/unlock button would be great, I'll gladly get that in. I don't have a lock device myself so would be great if someone...

Could you please include a screenshot that showcases the issue?

I'm happy to review a PR for this but won't spend time doing it as I don't have door/window sensors in use.

Remember to use `'off'` and `'on'` not `off` and `on`

Will be fixed very soon to cut the text with an ellipsis. This used to work but apparently I broke it at some point