
Results 18 issues of abhinav

This is a band-aid for an error encountered when at least one version of PyPy is the default version of Python: ``` bowtie2-build --version Traceback (most recent call last): File...

Proposed resolution to #426, which describes how FileInputFormat's listStatus is slow on S3 for input paths spanning many files.

LzoInputFormat's listStatus begins with ``` java List files = super.listStatus(job); ``` where super refers to FileInputFormat. FileInputFormat's listStatus() calls singleThreadedListStatus() (when LIST_STATUS_NUM_THREADS == 1), which is not optimized for S3....

In local mode, L1750 of `emr_simulator.py` creates a temporary directory in `/tmp` when it should do this in the scratch directory specified by the user

Add specification of expected precision and recall on dataset as command-line parameters of `line.py` and return failure of they don't agree with test output; this way, changes to the underlying...

"ideas for counters we'd like to have (a) how many reads/readlets align, (b) number of introns called, (c) number of introns & nucleotides that go into intron index"

- Resolve multimapping reads in a way that makes the most sense for downstream analyses. (How? Push coverage distribution toward more uniformity like MMR?) - Add option to run job...