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uses FileSystem's listStatus rather than FileInputFormat's in LzoInputFormat

Open nellore opened this issue 9 years ago • 3 comments

Proposed resolution to #426, which describes how FileInputFormat's listStatus is slow on S3 for input paths spanning many files.

nellore avatar Dec 13 '14 20:12 nellore

@rangadi , @isnotinvain this seems like it's been around a while, discussed on its issue a bit. Any thoughts? should it get merged?

ianoc avatar Mar 03 '15 22:03 ianoc

@gerashegalov commend on #426 that this can break compatibility since does not handle globs.

Also, I am not sure why EB traverse the directory tree again, since super.listStatus is supposed to have done that already.

rangadi avatar Mar 04 '15 08:03 rangadi

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