Takuma Ishikawa

Results 25 comments of Takuma Ishikawa

賛成です。特に「例外指定のない関数」に `noexcept` がついているのかついていないのか直感的に分かりにくいと思います。個人的には「無例外指定」に統一するのが良いと思います。


Since Pip version of numpy depends on OpenBLAS, we must install OpenBLAS to build NumPy from scratch. This can be skipped using a wheel of numpy package. Details here: https://numpy.org/install/...

なるほど、Wandboxの方はそういう運用だったのですね。 実は、現状のHEADでコンパイルできるテストケースの `test/pass/type_func.rill` が今のWandbox上ではコンパイルできないため、Wandboxの方はどこかのコミットで固定しているのだと勝手に思っていたのですが、そうでないならこれはWandbox側での設定か何かの問題なようですね。 情報ありがとうございました。

## Workaround We can avoid this behavior by using HTTPS URL in `.gitmodules` if you just want to read submodule repositories and the repositories are public on github.com. ```diff [submodule...

Currently, there is no English documentation which fully describes SATySFi's features. AFAIK, it's a TODO task.

:eyes: Travis itself says the CI was triggered and passed: . So some connection between Travis and GitHub seems to be broken. @gfngfn Did you change a configuration of GitHub...

So this is a kind of bug. Thanks for letting me know that. I'll change my type's name to differ from primitives as a workaround for the time being.

Currently this is a limitation of SATySFi; a type including public constructors must be defined in the top level. But this is not by design, I suppose. @gfngfn said this...