
Results 89 comments of ndegendogo

Dear Marcus, thank you for your time and effort you spent in this amazing project! 🎉 I have done my very first steps in Swift here with the cwa code,...

Note: I found this issue while working on PR #3685. However, that PR will not fix it.

According to [Apple documentation: Asking Permission to Use Notifications](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/usernotifications/asking_permission_to_use_notifications): "The first time your app makes this authorization request, the system prompts the user to grant or deny the request and...

I don't find any mechanism to force this dialog after this first time. However, we can programmatically find out the [current status of notification settings](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/usernotifications/unusernotificationcenter/1649524-getnotificationsettings), and especially the [current authorisation...

Thanks @daimpi for your kind invitation! 😀

It seems that the observer for the change of the state is never triggered. Not sure about the root cause. Can it be a race condition? Is there a bug...

I can reproduce this on the simulator on the current development branch (pre-release) as of today (06 Sept 2021, branch release/2.10.x, commit a43ff5a96f16ec695312ad050f8276bfc898874e) with the following sequence: - precondition: no...

In the same scenario, but with a device with a higher screen (like iPhone 8), we see a similar, although weaker effect (simulator / development branch as of today /...

And it does not occur on iPhone 6 / iOS 12.5.3. In that configuration the modal views are presented with full screen height, whereas the newer iOS versions have a...