Neil Batchelor
Neil Batchelor
Hey, sorry I went quiet after I raised this. Life took over. @kasparsd Yes, I can confirm that options.php is showing `&` rather then `&` @r-a-y Thanks that has worked...
Not sure if it helps but, I have just successfully installed on CloudLinux 6.8; I did have to change to this: `# wget` `# rpmbuild --rebuild ea-apache24-mod_pagespeed-latest-stable.src.rpm (which errored)`...
Can we get this pull request merged to correct the download url?
I was also curious of the EA3 installation intructions being depreciated. Unfortunately with EA4 not compatible with CloudLinux we have no options but to continue with EA3 so would appreciate...
@benitoll Ah, yes you are right, I am on the Release Tier and still on ( so don't see that yet. Also as it is released in beta I'm gonna...
I had the same issue last night and found that running easyapache will update this during it's scripts.
@MarioKnight I have forked this repo here: then copied all files into a "managed" folder. I made the edit as above to but encounter an error when run...