
Results 13 comments of 共产主义接班人

when **Unicorn2** is stable, i will fix and publish its code.

Intel.RealSense.Viewer.exe can be depth stream and color stream view rotation? ![图片](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10218627/56860664-b6f07400-69cb-11e9-816e-d465e4c2087a.png) like this ![图片](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10218627/56860767-bdcbb680-69cc-11e9-859a-45293ce6ca3c.png) ![图片](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10218627/56860772-c6bc8800-69cc-11e9-8b8b-92dfc5cdde45.png) forgive my poor english

> > > Hi @nblog, > > What rotation angle do you expect in realsense-viewer? 90 degree and 180 degree? yes. 90 degree or -90 degree or 180 degree. Because...

> Hi everyone, I would like to provide an update about this case. Whilst the feature request that Intel created - as reported above at [#3840 (comment)](https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/issues/3840#issuecomment-498126843) - is still...

win10 support "CET-enforced CFI/shadow stacks", this will cause the x86_64 interceptor scheme to trigger "STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN"

temporary solution: [powershell](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/processmitigations/set-processmitigation): `Set-ProcessMitigation -Name chrome.exe -Disable UserShadowStack`

[ZyrexCalculateRelativeOffset(length, (ZyanUPointer)address, ](https://github.com/zyantific/zyan-hook-engine/blob/master/src/Relocation.c#L581) address value error. maybe like this. #L568 ``` // Write opcode ZyanU8* address = (ZyanU8*)context->destination + context->bytes_written; ZyanUPointer ptr = (ZyanUPointer)address; if (opcode == 0xE9) { *address++...

I have tested the error still exists The reason for the error is when you calculate the relative address [#L581](https://github.com/zyantific/zyan-hook-engine/blob/master/src/Relocation.c#L581) ZyrexCalculateRelativeOffset source_address = address And you were address ++ at...

I also think this is because asmjit is too old. Same as "https://github.com/DarthTon/Blackbone/issues/380". The new version of asmjit can fix the problem.

Because with the 0x24 modifier It is equivalent to a 64-bit relative jump address which can only be an absolute address of a 32-bit address, It also proves that it...