enrico viola
enrico viola
I can confirm this: all those materials show up as matlab also on my profile :)
I can confirm @Darshandegr8 issue and solution. Verified on: - OSX 10.14.5 - XCode 10.2.1 - Current plugin from the AssetStore It would be nice to add a sticky note...
I run into the same problem and can confirm that commenting out the "delete widget;" line from ofxUICanvas::removeWidget() is a quick fix. I never studied in depth how ofxUICanvas points...
Yes, I observed similar big peaks too and wondered if I should just let them "clip naturally" or add some kind of limitation. Probably a limiter is a good idea....
Sure thanks!
probably, but I don't have an eta for it: probably the first sunday afternoon I have some free time :)
Hi, I'm working on a fork implementing some more commands and I have autotakeoff working; at some point I plan to upload my code, but in the meantime, here's the...
no problem :)
you just need to send the buffer in my last post in the same way the other BT messages are sent :)
I have a fork with some project specific modifications; I'll extract the generic parts and make a PR out of them