
Results 15 comments of Nathanaël

Hello, on my server there is an SMTP which does not requiere auth when reached internally (via localhost or I think this PR could fix the issue I have...

And maybe, also in the default page of selfhosted Jitsi Meet installation ? :wink:

You might be interested in these packages : - AUR package for ArchLinux, based on the windows-electron official release - Nuvola which seems to embed the website:

Hello, I had this problem today : one of my friend used my computer to go to his Nextcloud account. I clicked log out in the SSO panel wich was...

Yep : ``` ~$ cat /etc/cron.d/nextcloud */15 * * * * nextcloud /usr/bin/php7.3 --define apc.enable_cli=1 -f /var/www/nextcloud/cron.php ``` Should I clean this with crontab -e -u nextcloud :arrow_down: ? ```...

Mmh maybe a long time ago, I do not remember. Thanks I'll remove this crontab and rely on the file in etc/cron.d/nextcloud 11 sept. 2021 17:27:15 ljf (zamentur) ***@***.***>: >...

This could help you : it is the way the signaling server is installed in Nextcloud VM. It is based on packages we could find here :

Hello, first of all : thanks ! I also heard about Cronopete recently, installed it on my Arch Linux and found that my NAS could not be use as a...

Hello, I thank you for this great app that I use to track hicking. I am thinking about starting french translation. What would be the best way to contribute this...