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A pendant to warn you when you touch your face

Results 11 Pulse issues
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Are there any other alternatives to the Pololu 38 kHz IR Proximity Sensor? The sensor is hard to get and very expensive to sende to Europe.

The case as provided constantly triggers the sensor even with paint applied as suggested. The only way to stop the pololu sensor from constantly triggering from the case is to...

When I get time in the next week or so I'm going to do a complete redesign of the case and the circuitry. I've made 5 of these and have...

The pulse keeps activated with directs sun-rays, that could mean an outdoor problem

How is battery life / current draw with the current design? I have trichotillomania and this would be a fantastic help for me and many other sufferers. However it would...

What's the false positive rate during walking around indoors and outdoors.

Many of the news articles and videos I've seen promoting this show the trigger area being a cone shape going upwards. This is not the case. The sensor is only...

If you're interested in contributions from the community, then it's good to discuss what kinds of contributions you want, and what would constitute a "valuable" contribution. You don't want folks...