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Discuss the addition of a CONTRIBUTING file

Open dmittman opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

If you're interested in contributions from the community, then it's good to discuss what kinds of contributions you want, and what would constitute a "valuable" contribution. You don't want folks going off and doing work to make a contribution that you won't value, not do you want someone's well-considered contribution to be rejected because they didn't follow some unwritten guidelines.

It would be good to start by reading Setting guidelines for repository contributors. The article includes examples of good CONTRIBUTING files as well as some additional reading.

dmittman avatar Jul 02 '20 20:07 dmittman

Thank you for this. Yes totally agree in adding guidelines as we have already discussed next steps for a different version of the device.

rafaelmartinezasc avatar Jul 02 '20 21:07 rafaelmartinezasc

It's thrilling to know this is not just a one time upload to GitHub, if this is going to have further versions, I'm in. Been wanting to help an OS project since while back, but this is definitely falling into my lap.

Karosuo avatar Jul 05 '20 21:07 Karosuo