Results 26 comments of nanotech

Ideally the user-facing curryrs types module shouldn't expose raw pointer types at all, and automatically generated bindings would wrap pointers in safe types. Without automatic binding generation, there will always...

That's basically what I was hoping the binding generator will be able to do if [`std::sync::Once`]( or similar is fast enough. There's not much point in shutting down the runtime...

`libc::atexit` works: ``` extern crate libc; extern fn goodbye() { unsafe { libc::puts(b"Goodbye, world!\0" as *const u8 as *const i8); } } fn main() { unsafe { libc::atexit(goodbye) }; println!("Hello,...

For Rust `Copy` structs, Foreign.Storable can copy them to and from fully native Haskell data types ([example](, [SDL2 bindings]( Storable would really benefit from automation, since it needs raw memory...

I'm not actively working on it at the moment. Most of the features from the initial Dhall release are implemented, with at least a few important things missing: - Unions...

The [load_color_def function]( is where this would need to be added.

Yes, that would be great! There's a few open issues I'd like to resolve first, then I'll tag a new release.

This repo includes the completed project from the tutorial. `stack build` then build and run from Xcode should get you a working example app without any modifications needed. `otool -L`...

You'll still need ghc-ios or an equivalent cross-compiling GHC, as a standard x86_64 GHC can't produce programs for iOS ARM (and maybe not even the simulator). ghc-ios might have been...

Yeah, need to use the contents of `main.m` from an iOS app instead. Something like (not tested): ```objc void runNSApplication(void) { int argc = 1; char *argv[] = {strdup("app")}; @autoreleasepool...