Results 26 comments of nanotech

I've [added a more detailed explanation][0] on how to add and connect the label with Interface Builder. [0]:

Fantastic! Thanks.

I don't think Sparkle locates the app by its bundle identifier, does it? I've never had trouble updating an app with multiple copies installed. [Searching the code][1], it looks like...

Preferences could be migrated by reading the old preferences plist directly. Breaking AppleScripts is a good point against. Keeping the bundle ID is only troublesome if one of the other...

Looks like standardOutputString is racing the read handler for access to standardOutputData. I'm not sure how the termination handler is running before reads complete though. The read and termination handlers...

Having the toolbar be a real NSToolbar with its full customize interface would be great! Merging the bottom bar buttons into the top sounds OK to me too. For switching...