Fernando Conde-Pumpido

Results 3 issues of Fernando Conde-Pumpido

(from [Discourse](https://discourse.julialang.org/t/juliamono-displays-different-on-windows-notepad/73366)) # Problem I know it is difficult to investigate, but `\Gamma` has different height on Windows Notepad (size 11). This is best seen when compared to the capital...

need more info

Hi! Is it me, or the kerning for the underscore is a bit smaller on the left side? ` ₐᵢₙₖₜᵣ` ## Julia v1.7.1 Windows Terminal 10 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9221284/148643409-99e7d4b7-1b18-4db3-80a9-fc9d3435c7a6.png) ## Windows Notepad...


I actually cannot think why this happens. If I define a `@config` (from Configurations.jl) in a file, I can `include` the file and navigate to the definition from anywhere. However,...