Results 167 comments of namazso

> I'm sure that such filenames would result in a corrupt checksum file anyway Not necessarily! You can use it to make up completely fake entries, turning a fun bug...

Could you provide a step-by-step guide for reproduction, as well as an example of something that works in the way you wish OpenHashTab worked?

Thanks, I can confirm this behavior. I wonder why this happens; pretty sure we use the exact same interface.

oh, i never thought about this, adding a new column shouldn't be too hard. If different colors would help somewhat, that's an option in the meantime.

I can confirm this is at least possible, I got a PoC working (not based on AzureSignTool though)

Hooking is not necessary, you can simply just use the `/dlib` of signtool. While realizing this took me way too much time, it turns out the author of this repo...

I also posted my C++ implementation of essentially the same thing: Using the x86 signtool and x86 build following the earlier stackoverflow answer can correctly sign various office files...