Results 167 comments of namazso

I plan a CLI version, but it needs a massive refactor to separate various components of the hashing engine, similar to how the algorithms were cut off. Unfortunately it's quite...

There are some upcoming changes that will require modern OSes: - Potentially rewriting the frontend in C# / WinForms: Windows 7 does not support multiple CLRs in explorer, therefore if...

Great to know it actually is displayed somewhere, it was there for 2 and a half years.

> Please, please thread it properly and add a "stop hashing" button on the tab or give an option for a "start hashing" button. It **is** threaded properly. It isn't...

Correct, a stop button wouldn't work. However that click to start might, and could be exposed as an option.

Actually, in the current model that wouldn't work either because enumeration needs to be ran to know how many files we want to hash. This is the architectural issue I...

Network volume or virtual disk (ISO/VHDX)?

The main problem is that directory iteration is synchronous. And that's because Win32 only has synchronous APIs. However there's the undocumented NT API which does support asynchronous directory listing. The...

you can try the standalone mode with `rundll32 OpenHashTab.dll,StandaloneEntry ` proper shell extension is probably impossible, Wine misses most plumbing around that. additionally, i have plans on rewriting the too...

@kurtmckee that will break for filenames with newlines. you should be using find's `-print0` and `xargs -0`. Note that the former is a GNU extension. The task is just plain...