Carlos Vidal

Results 7 comments of Carlos Vidal

Hi @tasaiii725 👋 Could you elaborate what motivates this change?

Hi @ProudOfZiggy 👋 That usually happens when something goes wrong fetching a gem during `bundle install`. Could you try running the following? ```sh gem cleanup gem install bundler bundle install...

Hi @chrisballinger 👋 Thanks for reporting. This is due to a change on the xccovreport's format vs xccoverage's. I hope to get a fix out soon.

Hi @sauvage7 and @thelvis4 👋 The idea was to exclude the ignored files coverage from the target overall coverage but don't exclude the files from the report and somehow mark...

Hi @Antondomashnev 👋 I'm really sorry for the delay in my response, for some reason I wasn't subscribed to the notifications for this repository. It's probably not helpful for you...

I think xcodebuild couldn't find the scheme `ios-merchant-staging` and therefore the selection was defaulted to the first option available, in this case `AFNetworking`. Why the scheme couldn't be found it's...
