Results 109 issues of Simonas Kazlauskas

**Problem** I have a workspace with multiple crates, but for brevity purposes, consider this workspace: ``` [workspace] members = [ "brand_new", "old_rusty", ] ``` These two output a binary executable...


Outputs a simple "No such file or directory (os error 2)".

``` bisecting ci builds starting at a01b0bf0fbd870bec1747318bc081ac4a0606fb8, ending at 2442823ef572a65092fbc46f6975633f983b50b6 fetching commits from a01b0bf0fbd870bec1747318bc081ac4a0606fb8 to 2442823ef572a65092fbc46f6975633f983b50b6 opening existing repository at "rust.git" refreshing repository looking up first commit looking up second...

`is_flag_supported` is implemented by attempting to compile a C file. This will obviously fail to correctly work when check is done in a non-C context. For example: ``` let mut...

`Build::warnings()` provides an option to set whether warnings are desired. Calling `Build::warnings(true)` will pass in `-Wall` or a platform equivalent, however, counterintuitively, calling `Build::warnings(false)` will *not* pass a `-w` or...

AFAIK Running doctests typically involves invoking `rustdoc --test` with the rest of the flags being pretty much the same as when building a plain rustc crate.

As of `--extern proc_macro` is getting added to the prelude of the `rustc` invocations `cargo` makes when building `proc_macro` crates. As `crate2nix`/`buildRustCrate` (not sure where exactly this would go,...

Building project with `jemalloc-sys` as a dependency results in a closure that's not entirely reproducible. In particular, the build output will install a large number of other unnecessary files, including...

help wanted
good first issue

When running `crate2nix generate` currently the tool appears to be prefetching the dependencies sequentially and struggles to saturate the bandwidth. Parallelizing (or making it asynchronous scatter-gather) would speed up this...

The `cc` crate, very commonly used in `` scripts supports parallel compilation, however it appears that within nix it will only end up using 1 job regardless of any other...