Naftuli Kay

Results 43 comments of Naftuli Kay

I apologize for my lateness, just getting back from vacation. I will get caught up this week.

TL;DR the events received from Lambda can come via a few sources: - SNS: a fairly consistent data type; you'd basically just deserialize the `message` property into the struct(s) that...

Why are you running this as root? Also, please use Markdown to wrap your build output log, as it's hard to read.

I'm not sure if there's a workaround by using Docker networking; perhaps if it were possible to create the virtual NIC outside of the container and then grant the container...

Here are logs from an actual crash that just occurred: ```text Aug 25 15:54:18 hollow gnome-session[2358]: gnome-session-binary[2358]: WARNING: Application 'gala.desktop' killed by signal 11 Aug 25 15:54:18 hollow gnome-session-binary[2358]: WARNING:...

Affected. You can easily reproduce the problem like this: ``` class ModelOne(mongoengine.Document): subfield = mongoengine.EmbeddedDocumentField('ModelTwo') class ModelTwo(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument): pass ``` Simply changing the order of the above classes fixes the issue:...

@julienbonastre seeing as how you have done this in NGINX, are you able to tag, push, and pull using the custom domain name? For example: ``` docker build -t

I'll have to look into this. If you can give me an idea of why tests fail in particular with future versions of MongoEngine, I might work on a bigger...

Nothing has been changed AFAIK. You _must_ use mongoengine == 0.8.1 to use django_tastypie_mongoengine.

I arrived here [from this chain of Tweets]( I'm not sure about the scope of this issue, but is it possible that private RSA key material can be stored in...