Naftuli Kay

Results 43 comments of Naftuli Kay

Yeah, let's break things into pieces. Packages should be nested as represented above. FWIW my use case is a single Lambda function dispatching _all the events_.

@softprops I think we need to consolidate around a singular place for these definitions and I'm not sure that this is the best repository for it, we should probably put...

Yup, we're on the same page! I thought that _somebody_ had done it already, but I could be mistaken. If anyone wants to start that, please do and I'll contribute...

I will shortly post my data types that I have internally defined. Unfortunately they're in a non-public repository that I don't plan on making public.

Here it is everybody, I apologize it's in a Gist, but it's what I can ship for now: I have a series of test cases which should make things...

I apologize for my delay on this, new job, excuses, etc.

:tada: so happy that you're welcoming this PR. I will create a separate issue and track things there. There are _so_ many different data types to support, so this PR...

@ilianaw can you please go turn on Travis CI for this project? I have updated with a build badge and Travis configuration for building and testing. **EDIT:** Actually, I will...

Latest adds support for CloudWatch AutoScaling events.

I will start breaking this apart into a PR per service supported, I think that's probably the most prudent course of action. One thing that is probably a really good...