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[WIP] Add Data Fixtures for Lambda Event Types

Open naftulikay opened this issue 6 years ago • 14 comments

Tests and documentation forthcoming. I am using these data structures for my serverless event bus in Rust using Crowbar.

My lambda handler looks something like this:

lambda!(|event, _context| {
    // dispatch event based on its type
    match serde_json::from_value::<Event>(event) {
        Ok(Event::Auth(event)) => Ok(to_value(&service::auth::route(&context, &event)).unwrap()),
        Ok(Event::CloudWatch(event)) => Ok(service::cloudwatch::route(&context, &event)),
        Ok(Event::Http(event)) => Ok(to_value(&service::http::route(&context, &event)).unwrap()),
        Ok(Event::Records(records)) => Ok(service::multi::route_all(&context, records.entries)),
        Ok(Event::Unknown(event)) => Ok(service::unknown::route(&context, &event)),
        Err(_) => {
            error!("Unable to convert event.");
            Ok(json!({ "statusCode": 400 ,"message": "Unable to convert event." }))

Thus, I do routing based on event type. For example, SNS:

pub fn route(context: &Context, record: &sns::Record) {
    info!("Received SNS Event: {}", record.event.message_id);

    match from_str(&record.event.message) {
        Ok(SnsEventKind::Ses(message)) => service::ses::receive(&context, &message),
        Ok(SnsEventKind::Unknown(value)) => warn!("Unknown JSON Event: {}", to_string_pretty(&value).unwrap()),
        Err(_) => error!("Unknown non-JSON event: {}", record.event.message),

My multi-event router:

/// Dispatch multiple events.
pub fn route_all(context: &Context, events: Vec<Record>) -> Value {
    for event in events {
        match event {
            Record::S3(event_record) => s3::route(&context, &event_record),
            Record::Ses(event_record) => {
                // if it's an SES request/response, a response may be required, so only process one
                // of them if the type is RequestResponse
                match event_record.event.receipt.action {
                    Action::Lambda(ref action) if action.invocation_type == RequestResponse => {
                        return to_value(ses::filter(&context, &event_record)).unwrap();
                    _ => ses::route(&context, &event_record.event),
            Record::Sns(event_record) => sns::route(&context, &event_record),
            Record::Unknown(value) => {
                error!("Unknown event record type: {}", to_string_pretty(&value).unwrap())


This dispatching occurs in around 400-500 microseconds and works extremely well to make things type safe.

Obviously there's a lot here and it's not done. If @ilianaw or others have any input, RFC is open to comments :smiley:

naftulikay avatar Mar 27 '18 23:03 naftulikay

I like this. :)

Can you add what has been done and what remains as checkboxes to the pull request description so we can see the path to this leaving a WIP state?

iliana avatar Mar 28 '18 00:03 iliana

:tada: so happy that you're welcoming this PR. I will create a separate issue and track things there. There are so many different data types to support, so this PR will maybe only cover a subset with future on the way, hope that's okay.

naftulikay avatar Mar 28 '18 18:03 naftulikay

Yeah, I don't have an issue with incremental development over time.

I'm hoping I'll have a chance to do a good read through of all of this soon.

iliana avatar Mar 28 '18 20:03 iliana

@ilianaw can you please go turn on Travis CI for this project? I have updated with a build badge and Travis configuration for building and testing.

EDIT: Actually, I will submit Travis support in a separate PR.

naftulikay avatar Mar 28 '18 21:03 naftulikay

Latest adds support for CloudWatch AutoScaling events.

naftulikay avatar Mar 29 '18 00:03 naftulikay

I'd love to see this branch ship fast with additional followups to add other events types. Commented with extra thoughts on the checkbox ticket

softprops avatar Mar 31 '18 03:03 softprops

I will start breaking this apart into a PR per service supported, I think that's probably the most prudent course of action.

One thing that is probably a really good idea is to find a way to efficiently nest CloudWatch style events and deserialize them more efficiently than I'm currently doing.

naftulikay avatar Apr 02 '18 03:04 naftulikay

One thing that is probably a really good idea is to find a way to efficiently nest CloudWatch style events and deserialize them more efficiently than I'm currently doing.

Can you link to an example in this pull or sketch out in a comment what you mean?

softprops avatar Apr 02 '18 04:04 softprops

Overall I'm happy with this, and thanks to @softprops for the additional review.

I'm fine with continuing with this PR, or breaking it apart as a PR per service (the latter would be great as its easier for others to help write the structs out).

I have two thoughts:

  • What happens when AWS inevitably adds another field to these objects? Does serde correctly ignore extra fields?
  • Would it be reasonable to make all of these an enabled-by-default feature to allow folks who aren't using this to disable it and speed up compile times?

iliana avatar Apr 06 '18 16:04 iliana

What happens when AWS inevitably adds another field to these objects? Does serde correctly ignore extra fields?

Yes. This used to not be true but is now a default of serde.

softprops avatar Apr 07 '18 17:04 softprops

I apologize for my lateness, just getting back from vacation. I will get caught up this week.

naftulikay avatar Apr 07 '18 18:04 naftulikay

No worries! ^_^;

iliana avatar Apr 07 '18 20:04 iliana

TL;DR the events received from Lambda can come via a few sources:

  • SNS: a fairly consistent data type; you'd basically just deserialize the message property into the struct(s) that you expect.
  • CloudWatch: there are a lot (#32) of different CloudWatch data types.
  • API Gateway: requests, auth requests, and responses.

Therefore, our enums for representing all kinds of incoming events should basically include these three, and then users can disambiguate between the implementations (ie cloudwatch::BatchEvent, cloudwatch::ApiCallEvent, apigateway::Request, apigateway::AuthRequest, etc.)

I will probably break this PR down into tiny pieces and make one PR for each service to add. I wholeheartedly agree with removing Option<T> wherever possible and using the default for things like Vec<T> and BTreeMap<K, V>.

naftulikay avatar Apr 08 '18 20:04 naftulikay

Is there any way to help move this forward? I'd love to help

softprops avatar Sep 12 '18 05:09 softprops