Nadeem Jabbar Qureshi
Nadeem Jabbar Qureshi
Hi, The Bullet gem gives me the following error: ``` Comment => [:children] Add to your finder: :include => [:children] N+1 Query method call stack /Users/Nadeem/rails/iQue/app/models/comment.rb:46:in `has_children?' /Users/Nadeem/rails/iQue/app/views/questions/_comment.html.haml:7:in `_app_views_questions__comment_html_haml___3048192702811821479_70228511044500' /Users/Nadeem/rails/iQue/app/views/questions/show.html.haml:22:in...
[Enter steps to reproduce below:] 1. Enable: CTRL-ALT-O 2. Click a collection file in Configs -> lib -> collections **Atom Version**: 1.7.4 **System**: Mac OS X 10.11.5 **Thrown From**: [mantrajs](
Hi, It appears that MantraJS-atom and Mantra-CLI are in disagreement about a few things. 1. Mantra-atom creates `index.js`, while mantra-cli creates `main.js` in server and client folders. Using both Mantra-atom...
Hi, Intimidatetime looks very promising. I'm wondering if it's possible to use it for showing **one** dateselect, but a range for time? So, something like this: 1. Choose one date....
Hello, I've found that Meteor-mathjax fails to render (goes blank) when using SSL/HTTPS with Chrome. Chrome without SSL works well. Other browser work with SSL too. Please help. Really urgent.
Hi, Thanks for making this package. In the documentation it shows how to notify automatically whenever you create a tweet in the Tweets collections. However, I can't figure out how...