acts_as_commentable_with_threading copied to clipboard
Bullet gem complains about n+1 when using Model.root_comments and recursive partials
The Bullet gem gives me the following error:
Comment => [:children]
Add to your finder: :include => [:children]
N+1 Query method call stack
/Users/Nadeem/rails/iQue/app/models/comment.rb:46:in `has_children?'
/Users/Nadeem/rails/iQue/app/views/questions/_comment.html.haml:7:in `_app_views_questions__comment_html_haml___3048192702811821479_70228511044500'
/Users/Nadeem/rails/iQue/app/views/questions/show.html.haml:22:in `block in _app_views_questions_show_html_haml___3264554324951737521_70228577037320'
/Users/Nadeem/rails/iQue/app/views/questions/show.html.haml:21:in `_app_views_questions_show_html_haml___3264554324951737521_70228577037320'
How do we fix this?
Here is my controller code:
@comments = @question.root_comments
Here is my view code:
- @comments.each do |c|
= render partial: 'comment', locals: {c: c, level: 0}
Here is my partial:
%div{class: "col-xs-#{12 - level} pull-right"}
= c.body
- if c.has_children?
- c.children.each do |child|
= render partial: 'comment', locals: {c: child, level: level + 1}
I am using partials in a recursive manner like you are showing.
I am not sure why your getting that error without seeing your entire setup, but I did put together a walkthrough of my setup. Let me know if that helps figure out why your getting that error.