Results 177 comments of наб

Check with [BLT itself](, as I doubt we change anything thereregarding in the Rust FFI. On another note, updating with trunk might be helpful.

I repushed the `v1.3.1` tag, so hopefully new features/bugfixes will land in binary form there soon.

Does this also happen if you build the tests (`git clone; cd git2-rs; cargo test`)? Looks like it, or the -sys crate, needs to detect/specify `-liconv` better, as...

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Any updates on this?

What's the status on this issue?

@lionas89 h-hewwo?

Noted `pkg-config` dependency in the README, fair cop, but it seems that the dependency errors have gotten good since January 2018(!) — indeed, it told you what you need (not...

I mean, uh, published... where? The problem with this is that you'd like to to "upgrade" *across origins*, which is not something that makes sense. I guess we could handle...