Results 215 comments of наб

Sure, but beside the RFE (which I find rather superfluous, seeing as `printf '[zram%d]\nzram-fraction = 0.017\n\n' $(seq $(nproc)) > /etc/systemd/zram-generator.conf` works), why do you want to generate 112 zram devices...

Is this, like, measurable? I don't really believe you're gonna get more/better/faster processing by doing smaller batches.

This is a very good point (and /var/tmp is (supposed to be :v) guaranteed-persistent across boots). I've updated the README to point at `/var/compressed` instead of `/var/tmp` in the referenced...

Lots of opinions here, not a lot of primary sources. I, for one, can find exactly 0 layering violations for that setup, that's true, but don't really see why layering...

My brother in christ, *running lz4 before zstd is faster in the general case than just running zstd*:; lz4ing in zswap, with spill into zstd swap-on-zram, with spill to...

Hm. Can you try booting with `systemd.setenv=ZRAM_GENERATOR_ROOT=/` to get debug output? What's your `zram-generator.conf`?

That constant moved there in, and comments reference > 64K was picked for symmetry with libuv, which we no longer use. > 64K is *way* larger than the...

I looked at the `Writer`/`ChunkWriter`/`ChunkOutput` implementation and I'm pretty sure one explicitly-buffering sink is required (`ChunkWriter`), so I don't think that can be replaced with an stdlib `BufWriter`. Well, could...

It should behave the same (save for some of the bits that exit early instead of operating in the wrong working directory). As for guidelines, I don't see any, so...