Maksim Ustichenko
Maksim Ustichenko
Yes, it's collision groups, because: `RigidBodyCollisionGroups::new_static();` return group with blacklist: `0b110000000000000000000000000000` And all_groups have membership: `0b111111111111111111111111111111` and ``` 189: ncollide_pipeline/world/ self.membership & other.blacklist == 0 && other.membership & self.blacklist ==...
I'm very sorry for my English. I'm not sure, but It's looks like main problem here is "blacklist" field. I think it is redundant field, any case may be covered...
@sebcrozet I'm update the post just before you send comment. Looks like there is an issue with contact handling. I try setting max_velocity_iterations to 1000 and it not helps. Code...
@sebcrozet Thank you for you explanation! Sorry for another comment, but i can't understand something. Same code, zero restitution, speed 7.0 Frame 0: Ball: [0, 1.2] Frame 1: Ball: [0,...
Same thing happens when using BindMemoryPool with WithId.
@Mathijs-Bakker I fixed it by calling container.UnbindAll() from SceneContext::OnDestroy. But not sure it's a correct solution.
But same thing happens inside GameObjectContext, so previous workaround doesn't work in this cases.
Hi! I'm just passing by here, but see your issue. Sorry for my English. You block thread (and ws/mio eventloop) using `while true {}`, so you messages never have been...