
Results 10 comments of may

How about [HT2804/HT2806]( . $10 without encoder on taobao > Seal enclosure to prevent dust and dirt contamination Hollow shafts are used for slipring or wiring Specifications: Copper wire (OD)...

[PM3505]( has buildin sensor and 8ch slip ring . But it's expensive ¥108 CNY without sensor ![](!!2007835940.jpg)

I tried `avr-objcopy -O ihex optiboot_lgt8f328p.elf output.hex` ,the `optiboot_lgt8f328p.elf` comes from this core, the output is different from supplied file. output: ```ihex :1074000011248FEF98E09EBF8DBF94B714BE892FD3 :107410008D7011F0892FE0D190E89093F20083E90C :107420008093F2009093610081E08093610096BFA9 :107430008CE486BF85E08093810088E18093C10061 :1074400086E08093C20080E18093C4008DE0AED1DD :10745000259A96E020E33CEF51E040E2309385002E :107460002093840056BBB09BFECF85B1842785B99D :10747000A895915099F7662477244301CC24DD2404...


and dual page (manga mode) like MassiGra 😊

虽然还没用这个,但是 `logrotate` 可以自动管理 `/var/log/` 里面的 log

also tried reconnect after exception, didn't work ```python try : mqClient.publish(mq_topic, mq_message, qos=1) except OSError as err: print('error: when publish,', err) try : mqClient.connect() except Exception as err2 : print('error:...

how ever [mqtt_as]( has no issue > "pkcnt": 147481,

下载 FFmpeg ,需要你在命令行里面可以直接调用 FFmpeg ,例如把 FFmpeg 放到 c:\windows 目录下或者把 FFmpeg 目录添加到环境变量 %PATH% 里面。 有了 FFmpeg 才能自动调用 FFmpeg 合并文件