Для того что бы скомпилировалась прошивка, нужно изменить - TMCStepper@=0.7.1 Все работает с TMC 2208 uart
Good afternoon, everything works fine, but only in 2 extruder mode, in copy or mirror mode, the second fan does not work at all
Your solution is the best that can be found on the Internet, I hope you will be able to make the second fan work
> Back from vacation, updated to handle IDEX mirror mode and the like. Thanks, it works :) Can you tell me where the tool change speed setting is, the heads...
Thank you, I figured it out, I just added what accelerations were needed to the parking macros
> Starting a discourse thread: Good afternoon, tell me, are there any plans to add these fixes to the Klipper updates? After updating the Klipper, everything is deleted. When...