Yichun Ma
Yichun Ma
Below properties are covered - extension_operations_enabled - rolling_upgrade_policy - cross_zone_upgrade_enabled - prioritize_unhealthy_instances_enabled - hardware_profile - virtual_cpus_available - virtual_cpus_per_core - additional_capabilities - hibernation_enabled - ultra_ssd_enabled - spot_restore - host_group_id - automatic_instance_repair...
Hi, I'm onboarding `protectedSettingsFromKeyVault` in [Terraform](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-azurerm), but the schema seems not quite clear to me. In the Swagger, it is a plain object without any specific properties inside it. But...
Hi team, Opening this issue to discuss the `delete` API of the backup protected item (e.g. Azure IaaS VM) of a backup vault in recovery service. Currently, `delete` API is...
When using below request to create a community gallery, publicNamePrefix is set but not returned in the GET response. Though the value can be extracted from `publicNames`, it violates https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/blob/main/documentation/Semantic-and-Model-Violations-Reference.md#roundtrip_missing_property....