see title. mac10.12.2 xcode 8.2.1 xcode run codesign with my dev's cer
i saw the PhotoTweak, but the i add the rotate 90 fail, and i enjoy the style of Paparazzo so, is there any plan to add the trim box. why...
could you support free angle rotation like Photo.app ?
see the title.
can you add a new feature like Photo.app to rotate free angle
类似的卡片效果, 在cell的contentview上再添加一层containerView, 这个view要设置圆角, 应该怎么办...
能否更新下注释文档,并使用alertController,看⚠️有点小强迫症。 同时,能否手动调节旋转角度,类似Android的[ucrop](https://github.com/Yalantis/uCrop)