I have the same issue. I try to add a rotate 90' button, but failed. @itouch2
建议不要使用此种方法, apple默认的处理会转换一部分rfc文档未有的字符, 可以参考afn的方法, AFNetworking/Serialization/AFURLRequestSerialization.h ```objective-c /** Returns a percent-escaped string following RFC 3986 for a query string key or value. RFC 3986 states that the following characters are "reserved" characters....
解决了么? iphone5s, iOS10.0.1, 使用第三方输入法还是会出现上述问题. 同时系统键盘还是会出现输入中间有空格的问题("sc" , 联想"school" 出现"sc hool"). @ibireme
yeah, you are right. Crop images by dragging the edges of a grid overlay. 😁