Matthew Vaughn
Matthew Vaughn
## Basic Information * Platform (Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, etc): Mac * Built from source? (yes/no): No * If yes, source branch/revision ID: * If no, release version: 2020.4.1 ##...
For the purposes of reporting and debugging, I propose to include the short hash of the active container as `_abaco_container_hash` in the execution's environment variables. We would extend `agavepy.actors` to...
So that every single Abaco actor image doesn't have to be publicly accessible, add support for authenticated access to Docker registries.
Though Abaco allows us to build event-driven systems, we can't learn information about its state without polling. This puts load on the system and introduces latency to downstream consumers in...
We cannot easily stop an actor (temporarily) from accepting new work. This can be inconvenient when trying to test parallel sets of linked actors. It would be handy to be...
I'm noticing that users are adopting increasing amounts of orchestration as they build and deploy and use Abaco. A limitation of the current system is that one must poll for...
The actor `state` variable is super-useful, but is limited to single-worker actors. Some developers have routed around this limitation by imitating the state variable with the Agave `metadata` service, namespacing...
When an error is encountered creating an actor, `statusMessage` is populated with informative detail as to what might have caused the issue. Here's an example: ``` "statusMessage": "Unable to start...
Our tagged releases aren't being propagated to Zenodo, possibly because they are not Github releases.
Here's an example callback used in some ongoing work that leverages Abaco, where actor `EEDKw7NAr4E0x` can accept this message and use it to set a value for a variable `shorthash`in...